2009-2015 德国海德堡大学,生物科学系,生物学,哲学博士 Ph.D
2006-2009 华南师范大学,生命科学学院,动物学,理学硕士
2001-2005 湖南农业大学,生命科学学院,生物技术,理学学士
2015-2021 德国癌症研究中心,Research associate,导师:Michael Boutros
2015 德国海德堡大学-曼海姆生物医学研究中心,博士后
利用动物模型研究肿瘤微环境对肿瘤生长的影响,揭示了肿瘤细胞利用机械竞争力激活免疫通路,促进周围环境细胞凋亡,从而给肿瘤再生长提供空间 (Zhou et al.,2021, Developmental Cell)。该项工作被国际权威肿瘤学杂志Cancer Discovery作为研究亮点而甄选发表了文章评论。

通过建立动物肿瘤模型研究肠道菌群是如何影响肿瘤生长。该研究阐明了肠道肿瘤和菌群之间产生的一种正向反馈机制。即肿瘤生长破坏肠组织屏障功能引起菌群紊乱,而失衡的菌群又能刺激肿瘤的再生长 (Zhou and Boutros, 2020 PNAS)。

在全基因组范围筛选参与肠道稳态平衡的相关调节基因及信号通路,率先揭示了肠道组织屏障功能对维持干细胞增殖、肠组织再生和细胞凋亡等重要生理功能的作用机制 (Zhou et al., 2017 Nature Communications)

湖南大学高层次人才启动基金, 2022年,主持
中德合作与交流项目:中德双边学术研讨会, 2022-2023年, 参与
德国科学基金会SFB873联合基金, 2017-2022干细胞的维持和分化对发育和疾病的影响, 参与
海德堡大学EcTop6项目, 2015-2016生理及发育调控网络的研究, 参与
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 杂志审稿编辑
为 FEBS Journal, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, iScience, STAR Protocols, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, G3等国际学术刊物审稿
独立参与美国-以色列科学基金会 (US-Israel Binational Science Foundation) 医学类基金评审
1. Zhou, J*., Valentini, E., Boutros, M*. (2021). Microenvironmental innate immune signaling and cell mechanical responses promote tumor growth. Developmental Cell 56, 1884-1899. (IF: 12.27, JCR: 1区) *co-corresponding author. This study is highlighted in Cancer Discovery 2021; 11: 2121.
2. Zhou, J., Boutros, M. (2020). JNK dependent intestinal barrier failure disrupts host-microbe homeostasis during tumorigenesis. PNAS 117, 9401-9412 (IF: 11.20, JCR:1区)
3. Zhou, J., Edgar, B.A., Boutros, M. (2017). ATF3 acts as a rheostat to control JNK signalling during intestinal regeneration. Nature Communications 8,14289. (IF: 14.92, JCR:1区)
4. Zhou, J#., Dabiri, Y#., Gama-Brambila, R.A., Shahrouz, G., Altinbay, M., Mehrabi, A., Golriz, M., Blagojevic, B., Reuter, S., Han, K., Seidel, A., Wölfl, S., Chen, X.L#. (2022). pVHL-mediated SMAD3 degradation suppresses TGFß signalling. Journal of Cell Biology 221:e202012097 (IF: 10.51, JCR:1区). # co-1st author
5. Gama-Rranbila, R#., Chen, J#., Zhou, J#., Tascher, G., Münch, C., Cheng, X.L. (2021) A PROTAC targets splicing factor 3B1. Cell Chemical Biology 28, 1616-1627. (IF:8.12, JCR:1区) # co-1st author
1. Funk, M#., Zhou, J#., Boutros, M. (2020). Ageing, metabolism and the intestine. EMBO Reports 21, e50047 综述文章 (IF: 8.81 JCR: 1区) # co-1st author.
2. Bahuguna, S#., Redhai, S*., Zhou, J*., Wang, T.Y., Port, F., Boutros, M*. (2021). Conditional CRISPR-Cas Genome Editing in Drosophila to Generate Intestinal Tumors. Cells 10, 3156 (IF: 6.6, JCR: 2区) *co-corresponding author.
3. Bahuguna, S., Atilano, M., Glittenberg, M., Lee, D., Arora, S., Wang, L., Zhou, J., Redhai, S., Boutros, M., Ligoxygakis, P. (2022). Bacterial recognition by PGRP-SA and downstream signalling by Toll/DIF sustain commensal gut bacteria in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics. 18:e1009992 (IF: 5.92, JCR: 1区)
4. Port, F., Strein, C., Stricker, M., Rauscher, B., Heigwer, F., Zhou, J., Beyersdörffer, C., Frei, J., Hess, A., Kern, K., Malamud, R., Pavlovic, B., Rädecke, K., Schmitt, L., Voos, L., Valentini, E., Boutros, M. (2020). A large-scale resource for tissue-specific CRISPR mutagenesis in Drosophila. eLife 9: e53865. (IF: 8.13, JCR: 1区)
5. Tamirisa, S., Papagiannouli, F., Rempel, E., Ermakova, O., Trost, N., Zhou, J., Mundorf, J., Brunel, S., Ruhland, N., Boutros, M., Lohman, J.N, Lohmann, I. Decoding the Regulatory Logic of the Drosophila Male Stem Cell System. Cell Reports 24,3072-86 (IF: 9.42, JCR:1)
6. Zhou, J., Florescu, S., Boettcher, A.L., Luo, L.C., Dutta, D., Kerr, G., Cai, Y., Edgar, B., Boutros, M. (2015). Dpp/Gbb signaling is required for intestinal regeneration during infection. Developmental Biology 399, 189-203 (IF: 3.58, JCR: 3区)
7. Zhou, J., Wang, L., Xing, Y., Wang, W.N., He, W.Y., Wang, A.L., Liu, Y. (2010). Effect of temperature on antioxidant enzyme gene expression and stress protein response in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. J. Therm. Biol. 35, 284-289 (IF: 2.9, JCR: 3区)
8. Zhou, J., Wang, W.N., He, W.Y., Zheng, Y., Wang, L., Xing, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, A.L. (2010). Expression of HSP60 and HSP70 in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in response to bacterial challenge. J Inverte. Pathol.103, 170-178 (IF: 2.84, JCR: 3区)
9. Wang, W.N., Zhou, J., Wang, P., Tian, T.T., Zheng., Y., Liu, Y., Mai, Y.J., Wang, A.L. (2010). Oxidative stress, DNA damage and antioxidant enzyme gene expression in the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei when exposed to acute pH stress. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C 150, 428-435 (IF: 3.23, JCR: 3区)
10. Zhou, J., Wang, W.N., He, W.Y., Xing, Y., Wang, L., Liu, Y., Wang, A.L., Sun, R.Y. (2009). Cloning and characterization of ATP-binding cassette membrane transporter (ABCtt) from the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C 150, 450-458 (IF: 3.23, JCR:3区)
11. Zhou, J., Wang, W.N., Wang, A.L., He, W.Y., Zhou, Q.T., Liu, Y., Xu, J., Sun, R.Y. (2009). Glutathione S-transferase from the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei: characterization and its regulation after pH stress. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C 150, 224-230 (IF: 3.23, JCR: 3区)
12. Zhou, J., Wang, W.N., Ma, G.Z., Wang, A.L., He, W.Y., Wang, P., Liu, Y., Liu, J.J., Sun, R.Y. (2008). Gene expression of ferritin in tissues of the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei after exposure to pH stress. Aquaculture 275, 356-360. (IF: 4.24, JCR: 2区)
Googlescholar ID: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Xo8Sy-4AAAJ
2011年 广东省优秀研究生学位论文奖
2009年 德国癌症研究中心亥姆霍兹博士研究生奖学金